Municipal Complaint Form

Please download and fill out the form below. You may submit this to us via email at or you may also mail it to us or drop it off at the township office.

If you live in Codorus Estates or The Hills at Valley View, please contact your Homeowners Association prior to filing a township complaint.  

The Township does not get involved in neighbor disputes.  There must be a violation of a township ordinance for the  the township to take action on a complaint.  

All complaints received will be investigated by the township zoning officer or township sewage enforcement officer.  The township nor its contractors are obligated to provide status updates or outcomes of an investigation.  

Click The Icon To Download

Forms can be mailed to or dropped off at:

4631 Shaffers Church Road
Glenville, PA 17329

Contact Information

Zoning Officer/Codes Enforcement Officer:

Commonwealth Code Inspection Service, Inc.
40 West 11th Avenue
York, PA 17404

Phone: 717-846-2004
Fax: 717-846-2294